Da Vinci Client

This allows you to eagerly load some or all partitions of the dataset and perform queries against the resulting local cache. Future updates to the data continue to be streamed in and applied to the local cache.

Record Transformer

This feature enables applications to transform records before they’re stored in the Da Vinci Client or a custom storage of your choice. It’s capable of handling records that are compressed and/or chunked.


Steps to use the record transformer:

  1. Implement the DaVinciRecordTransformer abstract class.
  2. Create an instance of DaVinciRecordTransformerConfig.
  3. Pass the instance of the config into setRecordTransformerConfig().

When a message is being consumed, the DaVinciRecordTransformer will modify the value before it is written to storage.

Here’s an example DaVinciRecordTransformer implementation:

package com.linkedin.davinci.transformer;

import com.linkedin.davinci.client.DaVinciRecordTransformer;
import com.linkedin.venice.utils.lazy.Lazy;
import org.apache.avro.Schema;
import org.apache.avro.util.Utf8;

public class StringRecordTransformer extends DaVinciRecordTransformer<Integer, String, String> {
  public TestStringRecordTransformer(int storeVersion, boolean storeRecordsInDaVinci) {
    super(storeVersion, storeRecordsInDaVinci);

  public Schema getKeySchema() {
    return Schema.create(Schema.Type.INT);

  public Schema getOutputValueSchema() {
    return Schema.create(Schema.Type.STRING);

  public DaVinciRecordTransformerResult<String> transform(Lazy<Integer> key, Lazy<String> value) {
    Object valueObj = value.get();
    String valueStr;

    if (valueObj instanceof Utf8) {
      valueStr = valueObj.toString();
    } else {
      valueStr = (String) valueObj;

    String transformedValue = valueStr + "Transformed";

     * If you want to skip a specific record or don't want to modify the value,
     * use the single argument constructor for DaVinciRecordTransformerResult and pass in
     * DaVinciRecordTransformerResult.Result.SKIP or DaVinciRecordTransformerResult.Result.UNCHANGED
    return new DaVinciRecordTransformerResult<>(DaVinciRecordTransformerResult.Result.TRANSFORMED, transformedValue);

  public void processPut(Lazy<Integer> key, Lazy<String> value) {

Here’s an example DaVinciRecordTransformerConfig implementation:

DaVinciConfig config = new DaVinciConfig();
DaVinciRecordTransformerConfig recordTransformerConfig = new DaVinciRecordTransformerConfig(
    (storeVersion) -> new StringRecordTransformer(storeVersion, true),
    String.class, Schema.create(Schema.Type.STRING));
config.setRecordTransformerFunction((storeVersion) -> new StringRecordTransformer(storeVersion, true));