VIP-4: Store Lifecycle Hooks

  • Status: Accepted
  • Author(s): Felix GV
  • Pull Request: N/A
  • Release: N/A


The Venice Push Job takes data from a grid and pushes it to a store in all regions. This works fine in many cases, but there are some use cases where we would like to have greater control over the steps of the process. This proposal is to add new configs and hooks which can be used both to monitor and control the push job in a finer-grained manner than is possible today. In particular, this proposal focuses on the way that each individual region is handled.

Currently, the sequence of steps happening within a push job is as follows:

Push Job Steps

A few notes on the above diagram:

  • A new schema will be registered only if the data being pushed does not conform to any already known schema, and the schema auto-registration config is enabled. If that config is disabled, then an unknown schema leads to job failure.

  • The compression job is optional, and whether it runs or not depends on configurations.

  • The data push job writes to a store-version pub sub topic in one of the regions (typically the one which is local to where the push job is running), but all regions start ingesting right away, as soon as the data push job begins writing. For regions that are remote from the topic the data push job is writing to, the leader servers are performing replication, while in the region which contains that topic, the replication is a no-op.

  • The SERVING step is also called “version swap”. If there are Da Vinci Clients, they will ingest and swap on their own, and the child controller of that region will wait until all DVC instances have swapped (started serving) before enacting the region-level swap, after which the servers will also start serving the new store-version to clients which perform remote queries. That is why the “DVC Read Traffic SERVING” step is a dependency for the “Server Read Traffic SERVING” step.

Problem Statement

Pushing to all regions in parallel makes the push faster, but it also means that if the push causes an issue, the impact is going to be global (affecting all regions). It would be desirable to have certain checks and balances that reduce the blast radius in cases where the content of the push causes issues. Examples of such issues include:

  • Data quality issues:
    • Incomplete data (due to issues in data generation logic, or in upstream datasets).
    • Change in semantics (e.g. some embeddings trained by a new ML model / weights / params / etc. are incompatible with that used at inference-time).
  • Schema-related issues:
    • Some optional fields which used to always be populated get deleted (or get populated with null) and the reading app fails due to lack of null checking. This kind of app-side bug can happen even though a schema evolution is fully compatible.
  • Infra issues:
    • Larger payloads take more resources, resulting in lack of capacity and thus latency degradation.
    • Certain types of yet-unknown infra bugs are somehow triggered by a data push.

Tighter control of how the new version of the dataset is deployed to each region could allow us to catch issues while only one region is affected, and abort deploying to other regions. See Scope, below, for specific examples of flow control strategies.

In addition, we would like to make it easier to integrate the push job into proprietary monitoring systems such that each region getting data deployed to it results in events getting emitted or other observability actions.


This proposal is about full push jobs. Incremental pushes and nearline writes are out of scope. At the time of submitting this proposal, it is undetermined whether this work will apply to stream reprocessing jobs. In terms of priority, we care mostly about supporting full pushes from offline grids, and it may be fine to leave stream reprocessing out of scope, although depending on the design details we choose, we may be able to support stream reprocessing “for free” as well (i.e. if the hooks are executed in the controller). Incremental Push is out of scope of this proposal.

The goal is for lifecycle hooks to achieve the following use cases:

  • Orchestrate how data is served in each region, including:
    • Ensuring a minimum delay (e.g. 1 hour) between each region beginning to serve the new store-version.
    • Delaying the swapping of a new store-version to be within some time of day (e.g. during “business hours”).
    • Performing custom health checks on the client applications to ensure that their key metrics are still healthy within a region where a new store-version was swapped, before proceeding to more regions. Based on the outcome of this check:
      • Having the ability to abort the swapping of a store-version to further regions.
      • Having the ability to rollback to the previous store-version in regions that already swapped.
  • Trigger informational events in proprietary monitoring systems after important lifecycle milestones are completed.

The above use cases all are operator-centric, and so (at least for now) there is no concern of making it very ergonomic for Venice users to register new hooks or evolve old hooks dynamically. The general expectation is that there would be a small number of hooks maintained by the Venice operators and that it’s ok for hooks to be bundled and upgraded alongside the Venice components. In cases where Venice users need to customize hook behaviors, that could be achieved via store-level configs passed into hooks, and there is no need to provide the flexibility of letting users register whole new hook implementations.

Project Justification

The cost of having global impact in the case of issues mentioned above is too high, and we would like to provide first-class options to reduce the blast radius. Building this within Venice itself will make it easier to automate these methodologies, thus reducing toil for users.

Functional specification

The proposed API for this functionality is described in code here:

  • StoreLifecycleHooks, which is the main part of this proposal.
  • StoreLifecycleEventOutcome, which is the signal returned by some hooks to indicate that a given step should proceed or abort.
  • StoreVersionLifecycleEventOutcome, which is the signal returned by some other hooks which need more fine-grained control over the workflow. In addition to proceeding and aborting, this also provides the option to wait, which tells the hooks framework to try invoking the hook again later, and rollback, which tells the framework to rollback to the previous store-version in all regions.
  • JobStatusQueryResponse, which is the payload returned by the /job controller endpoint, is extended to include status update timestamps. This will be populated by the child controller to indicate the time when its own individual status last changed, and the parent controller will aggregate these into a map keyed by region. All hooks which return the StoreVersionLifecycleEventOutcome will have access to this payload in their input, so that they can make decisions based on the status of each region. The time when the status was last updated for a given region is useful in order to achieve the use case of a hook which injects a delay between each region swap. The code change to support these extra timestamps is included in this VIP, to demonstrate feasibility and present the proposed algorithm (see OfflinePushStatus::getStatusUpdateTimestamp).

Proposed Design

The main design consideration is where to execute the hooks. At a high level, there are three options:

  1. Within the push job.
  2. Within the parent controller (chosen option).
  3. Within the child controllers.

It is also possible to consider invoking some hooks in one of these location while other hooks would be executed elsewhere. The table below summarizes the feasibility and tradeoffs for each of the proposed hooks:

Hook function name Actions CC PC VPJ
validateHookConfig ➡️ ☠️
preStartOfPushJob ➡️ ☠️
postStartOfPushJob None
preSchemaRegistration ➡️ ☠️ 1️⃣
postSchemaRegistration None 1️⃣
preStoreVersionCreation ➡️ ☠️ ✋ ↩️
postStoreVersionCreation None
preStartOfStoreVersionIngestionForDaVinci ➡️ ☠️ ✋ ↩️ 2️⃣ 2️⃣ 2️⃣
postStartOfStoreVersionIngestionForDaVinci ➡️ ☠️ ✋ ↩️ 2️⃣ 2️⃣ 2️⃣
postStoreVersionLeaderReplication None
preStoreVersionSwap ➡️ ☠️ ✋ ↩️
postStoreVersionSwap ➡️ ☠️ ✋ ↩️
preEndOfPushJob ➡️ ☠️ ✋ ↩️
postEndOfPushJob None


  • The Actions column represent which control mechanism is available to each hook:
    • ➡️ Proceed: Move forward with this step.
    • ☠️ Abort: Cancel this step (and as a consequence, short-circuit any future step that would come after this one).
    • ✋ Wait: Let the hooks framework re-run this step later (i.e. 1 minute later, by default).
    • ↩️ Rollback: Let the store go back to the store-version it had prior to beginning the push job (in all regions).
  • The last three columns are the feasibility of implementing this hook in a given component:
    • CC Child Controller.
    • PC Parent Controller.
    • VPJ Venice Push Job.
    • ✅ It is feasible to implement this hook within this component (without unreasonable complexity).
    • ❌ It is NOT feasible to implement this hook within this component (without unreasonable complexity).
    • 1️⃣ Schema registration hooks in push jobs could only be invoked in cases where auto-registration is enabled and the new schema originates from the push job itself, whereas schema registrations which are performed directly on the controller could not trigger the hook.
    • 2️⃣ The hook for the start of ingestion for Da Vinci Clients is tricky for a few reasons. The start of ingestion is controlled by updating the Meta Store, which is a non-replicated system store updated by child controllers, so those must be involved (either by running the hook there in the first place, or by having some mechanism that enables the parent or VPJ to inform the child controllers of when the system store is eligible for getting updated, such as by adding a new field to the AddVersion admin channel command). However, see Rollback Support below for why running hooks in the child controller may be insufficient.

Rollback Support

In order to support the ability for the hooks which return the StoreVersionLifecycleEventOutcome to rollback, the most natural way to achieve this is likely to involve the parent controller, either by having those hooks run there in the first place, or by having a propagation mechanism to it:

  • If the hooks are executed in the child controller, the propagation mechanism might be to extend the job status check which the parent controller does periodically in order for the child to inform the parent of the need to rollback, or else build a new mechanism for the child to directly interact with the parent (or even with other child controllers directly…).

  • If the hooks are executed in VPJ, then it would need to interact with the parent via the controller client to trigger the rollback.


There needs to be new configs:

  • Comma-separated list of FQCN of the hook implementations to load.

  • Number of threads used by the hooks framework to execute all hooks.

  • Max duration allowed for a hook before the hooks framework interrupts it.

  • The time to wait before re-invoking a hook which returned WAIT (default: 60 seconds).

  •<arbitrary>: Any number of configs to be passed (after clipping everything before the <arbitrary> part) into the hooks constructor.

In addition, the store config will get a new Map<String, String> of store-level config overrides. Those configs are “stringly-typed”, rather than strongly-typed, since we are not aware of the configs needed by each hook at compile-time, and we therefore cannot shape the definition of the store config schema accordingly. This issue is mitigated via the validateHookConfig, which can be used to prevent invalid configs from entering the system.


There needs to be new metrics to monitor hook health. Each new metric will be per function and per registered hooks class (i.e. 13 functions per class if we implement all of them, or less if we cut the scope). For each class/function hook, there will be:

  • the occurrence rate of:
    • hook invocations
    • each hook return signal (for the functions that return something other than void)
    • failures (exceptions)
    • timeouts
  • the time spend waiting in queue before being executed (which will be useful to determine if the thread pool count is under-provisioned)

N.B.: Implementing metrics from within VPJ is a bit more complicated, whereas controllers already have the ability to emit metrics.

Design Recommendation

Running hooks in the parent controller is probably most straightforward. The only issue is the inability to support the postStoreVersionLeaderReplication hook, but that one is not critical and could be left out of scope.

Concretely, choosing the parent controller path would work like this:

  1. The parent controller would invoke the hooks for preStartOfStoreVersionIngestionForDaVinci and for preStoreVersionCreation for each of the regions. If all hooks respond with PROCEED then it’s essentially a normal push, otherwise it would configure the AddVersion command sent to the admin channel with the appropriate inclusions in targetedRegions (depending on the result of preStoreVersionCreation) and in a new field for controlling the DVC ingestion (depending on the result of preStartOfStoreVersionIngestionForDaVinci) which the child controller would honor by holding off on writing to the Meta Store.

  2. The parent controller would create the new store-version with versionSwapDeferred = true.

  3. When the parent controller sees that a region has completed ingestion, it would invoke the preStoreVersionSwap hook for that region, and if the hook responds with PROCEED, then it would send an admin command targeted for that region to swap the current version.

  4. If at any stage the hooks respond with ROLLBACK then the parent controller would send more admin channel commands to do the swap in the reverse direction.

This recommendation has been accepted, after design reviews, hence we will implement hooks in the parent controller.

Development Milestones

At a high-level:

  1. Evolve the admin channel protocol.
  2. Implement the child controller changes for dealing with the admin channel changes.
  3. Implement the parent controller changes to support the hooks framework and the orchestration described above.

More fine-grained plan TBD after finalizing the design.

Test Plan

The first hooks will be built such that they are no-op by default, and require a hook config to enable them. That hook config will be left disabled in the global config, and will be tested at small scale via the store-level overrides.

After store-level testing and stabilization is satisfactory, we will begin enabling them globally.

