Package com.linkedin.venice.meta
Interface Summary Interface Description AbstractStore.StoreVersionSupplier ClusterInfoProvider DataModelBackedStructure<T extends org.apache.avro.specific.SpecificRecord> DataRecoveryVersionConfig This interface defines all the public APIs, and if you need to add accessors to some new fields, this interface needs to be changed accordingly.ETLStoreConfig This interface defines all the public APIs, and if you need to add accessors to some new fields, this interface needs to be changed accordingly.HybridStoreConfig This interface defines all the public APIs, and if you need to add accessors to some new fields, this interface needs to be changed accordingly.LiveInstanceChangedListener LiveInstanceMonitor OnlineInstanceFinder Look up online instances related to a topic's partition.PartitionerConfig This interface defines all the public APIs, and if you need to add accessors to some new fields, this interface needs to be changed accordingly.ReadOnlyLiveClusterConfigRepository ReadOnlySchemaRepository ReadOnlyStoreConfigRepository Interface defined the way to retrieve the store config from a repository.ReadOnlyStoreRepository Interface defined readonly operations to access stores.ReadWriteLiveClusterConfigRepository ReadWriteSchemaRepository ReadWriteStoreRepository Interface defined read and write operations to access stores.RoutersClusterManager This interface define the operations used to manage all routers in a cluster.RoutersClusterManager.RouterCountChangedListener RoutingDataRepository Repository to access routing data like Partition and replica.RoutingDataRepository.RoutingDataChangedListener Store This interface defines all the public APIs, and if you need to add accessors to some new fields, this interface needs to be changed accordingly.StoreCleaner StoreDataChangedListener Interface used to register into metadata repository to listen the change of store data.StoreGraveyard The graveyard used to keep all deleted stores.StoreListChangedListener Interface used to register into metadata repository to listen the change of store list.SubscriptionBasedReadOnlyStoreRepository Interface defined subscription based readonly operations to access stores.SystemStoreAttributes VeniceSerializer<T> Interface defines how to serialize and deserialize the venice object.Version This interface defines all the public APIs, and if you need to add accessors to some new fields, this interface needs to be changed accordingly.ViewConfig -
Class Summary Class Description AbstractStore This is an abstraction of metadata maintained per Store.DataRecoveryVersionConfigImpl ETLStoreConfigImpl A container of ETL Enabled Store related configurations.HybridStoreConfigImpl A container of Hybrid Store related configurations.Instance Class defines the Instance in Venice.LiveClusterConfig Partition Class defines the partition in Venice.PartitionAssignment This class represent the assignments of one resource including all of assigned partitions and expected number of partitions.PartitionDetail PartitionerConfigImpl ReadOnlyStore A read-only wrapper ofStore
, and all the modification to delegated instance will throwUnsupportedOperationException
.ReadOnlyStore.ReadOnlyVersion A read-only wrapper ofVersion
ReadOnlyViewConfig RegionPushDetails ReplicaDetail RetryManager RoutersClusterConfig Cluster level metadata for all routers.SerializableSystemStore SimpleStringSerializer StaticClusterInfoProvider StoreConfig Configurations of a store which are non-cluster specified.StoreDataAudit This is a class used to manage multiple replicas of the same store.StoreInfo Json-serializable class for sending store information to the controller clientSystemStore This SystemStore class is a wrapper of the corresponding zk shared system store and the regular venice store to provide the exact same interface as the regular Venice Store for System Stores.SystemStoreAttributesImpl UncompletedPartition UncompletedReplica VersionImpl Class defines the version of Venice store.ViewConfigImpl ZKStore Class defines the store of Venice. -
Enum Summary Enum Description BackupStrategy Enums of the strategies used to backup older store versions in Venice.BufferReplayPolicy Enums of the policies used to decide how buffer replay start timestamps are calculated.DataReplicationPolicy The data replication policy determines which fabric to use for sending real-time writes from clients and where to direct servers for real-time data consumption.IngestionMetadataUpdateType IngestionMode IngestionMode is an Enum class that contains all modes for ingestion.InstanceStatus Status of the instance in Venice cluster.OfflinePushStrategy Enum of strategies used to decide the when the data is ready to serve in off-line push.PersistenceType Enums of persistence types in Venice.QueryAction ReadStrategy Enums of the strategies used to read data from multiple replications in Venice.RoutingStrategy Enums of strategies used to route the key to partition in Venice.ServerAdminAction StoreStatus VeniceUserStoreType Enums that lists most Venice user store types.Version.PushType Producer type for writing data to VeniceVersionStatus Enums of status of verion.ViewParameterKeys