Package com.linkedin.venice.pubsub
package com.linkedin.venice.pubsub
ClassDescriptionPubSubAdminAdapterFactory<ADAPTER extends PubSubAdminAdapter>Generic admin factory interface.A wrapper around pub-sub producer, consumer, and admin adapter factories This will be passed as one of the arguments to the component which depends on the pub-sub APIs.Constants used by pub-sub components.The purpose of this class is only to make the package private test-only functions of
available to all packages within tests.PubSubConsumerAdapterFactory<ADAPTER extends PubSubConsumerAdapter>Generic consumer factory interface.Factory class for creating PubSubPosition objects from wire formatConstants for the different types of positions Do not change the values of these constants.PubSubProducerAdapterFactory<ADAPTER extends PubSubProducerAdapter>Generic producer factory interface.Represents aPubSubTopic