Interface PubSubAdminAdapterFactory<ADAPTER extends PubSubAdminAdapter>

All Superinterfaces:
AutoCloseable, Closeable
All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface PubSubAdminAdapterFactory<ADAPTER extends PubSubAdminAdapter> extends Closeable
Generic admin factory interface. A pus-sub specific concrete implementation of this interface should be provided to be able to create and instantiate admins for that system.
  • Method Details

    • create

      ADAPTER create(VeniceProperties veniceProperties, PubSubTopicRepository pubSubTopicRepository)
      veniceProperties - A copy of venice properties. Relevant producer configs will be extracted from veniceProperties using prefix matching. For example, to construct kafka producer configs that start with "kafka." prefix will be used.
      pubSubTopicRepository - A repo to cache created PubSubTopics.
      Returns an instance of an admin adapter
    • getName

      String getName()