Package com.linkedin.venice.pubsub.api
package com.linkedin.venice.pubsub.api
ClassDescriptionAn adapter for PubSubAdmin to create/delete/list/update topics.An adapter for consuming messages from a Pub-Sub topic.PubSubMessage<K,
V, OFFSET> The class for deserializing messages from the pubsub specific message format toPubSubMessage
A key-value pair that is associated with a messageSet of key-value pairs to tagged with messages produced to a topic.Represents a position of a message in a partition of a topic.The pub-sub producer interface with which venice writer's interact to send messages to pub-sub topic.This class will spin up multiple producer instances to speed up the producing.A callback interface that users of PubSubProducerAdapter should implement if they want to execute some code once PubSubProducerAdapter#sendMessage request is completed.An interface implemented by specific PubSubProducerAdapters to return the result of a produce action.This enum is equivalent to Kafka's SecurityProtocol enum.