Interface VeniceProducer<K,V>

Type Parameters:
K - Key of the record that needs to be updated
V - Value that needs to be written
All Superinterfaces:
AutoCloseable, Closeable
All Known Implementing Classes:
AbstractVeniceProducer, OnlineVeniceProducer

public interface VeniceProducer<K,V> extends Closeable
The API for online applications to write to Venice. These APIs are only eventually consistent and the futures returned by them only guarantee that the write operation was durable. There is no option to block until the data is readable. All of these APIs have at least two versions - one that accepts a logical timestamp and one that doesn't.
1. Logical timestamps (in ms) are what Venice backend will use to resolve conflicts in case multiple writes modify the same record. An update to Venice could be triggered due to some trigger that can be attributed to a specific point in time. In such cases, it might be beneficial for applications to mark their updates to Venice with that timestamp and Venice will persist the record as if it had been received at that point in time - either by applying the update, dropping the update if a newer update has already been persisted, or applying an update partially only to fields that have not received an update with a newer timestamp yet.
2. In case the write requests are made without specifying the logical timestamp, then the time at which the message was produced is used as the logical timestamp during conflict resolution.
  • Method Details

    • asyncPut

      CompletableFuture<DurableWrite> asyncPut(K key, V value)
      A write operation where a full value is written to replace the existing value.
      key - Key of the record that needs to be updated
      value - The full value that needs to be written
      A CompletableFuture that completes when the write operation is durable. It does not imply that the data is available to readers.
    • asyncPut

      CompletableFuture<DurableWrite> asyncPut(long logicalTime, K key, V value)
      A write operation where a full value is written to replace the existing value. It offers the writers to specify a logical time. This value is used to specify the ordering of operations and perform conflict resolution in Active/Active replication.
      logicalTime - The value used during conflict resolution in Active/Active replication
      key - Key of the record that needs to be updated
      value - The full value that needs to be written
      A CompletableFuture that completes when the write operation is durable. It does not imply that the data is available to readers.
    • asyncDelete

      CompletableFuture<DurableWrite> asyncDelete(K key)
      A write operation to delete the record for a key.
      key - The key associated with the record that should be deleted
      A CompletableFuture that completes when the write operation is durable. It does not imply that the data is available to readers.
    • asyncDelete

      CompletableFuture<DurableWrite> asyncDelete(long logicalTime, K key)
      A write operation to delete the record for a key. It offers the writers to specify a logical time. This value is used to specify the ordering of operations and perform conflict resolution in Active/Active replication.
      logicalTime - The value used during conflict resolution in Active/Active replication
      key - Key of the record that needs to be deleted
      A CompletableFuture that completes when the write operation is durable. It does not imply that the data is available to readers.
    • asyncUpdate

      CompletableFuture<DurableWrite> asyncUpdate(K key, Consumer<UpdateBuilder> updateFunction)
      A write operation to modify a subset of fields in the record for a key.
      key - Key of the record that needs to be updated
      updateFunction - A Consumer that takes in an UpdateBuilder object and updates it to specify which fields to modify and the operations that must be done on them.
      A CompletableFuture that completes when the write operation is durable. It does not imply that the data is available to readers.
    • asyncUpdate

      CompletableFuture<DurableWrite> asyncUpdate(long logicalTime, K key, Consumer<UpdateBuilder> updateFunction)
      A write operation to modify a subset of fields in the record for a key. It offers the writers to specify a logical time. This value is used to specify the ordering of operations and perform conflict resolution in Active/Active replication.
      logicalTime - The value used during conflict resolution in Active/Active replication
      key - Key of the record that needs to be updated
      updateFunction - A Consumer that takes in an UpdateBuilder object and updates it to specify which fields to modify and the operations that must be done on them.
      A CompletableFuture that completes when the write operation is durable. It does not imply that the data is available to readers.