Package com.linkedin.venice.pubsub.api
Interface Summary Interface Description PubSubAdminAdapter An adapter for PubSubAdmin to create/delete/list/update topics.PubSubConsumerAdapter An adapter for consuming messages from a Pub-Sub topic.PubSubMessage<K,V,OFFSET> PubSubPosition Represents a position of a message in a partition of a topic.PubSubProducerAdapter The pub-sub producer interface with which venice writer's interact to send messages to pub-sub topic.PubSubProducerCallback A callback interface that users of PubSubProducerAdapter should implement if they want to execute some code once PubSubProducerAdapter#sendMessage request is completed.PubSubProduceResult An interface implemented by specific PubSubProducerAdapters to return the result of a produce action.PubSubTopic PubSubTopicPartition -
Class Summary Class Description EmptyPubSubMessageHeaders PubSubMessageDeserializer The class for deserializing messages from the pubsub specific message format toPubSubMessage
PubSubMessageHeader A key-value pair that is associated with a messagePubSubMessageHeaders Set of key-value pairs to tagged with messages produced to a topic.PubSubPositionWireFormat PubSubProducerAdapterConcurrentDelegator This class will spin up multiple producer instances to speed up the producing.PubSubProducerAdapterConcurrentDelegator.ProducerQueueDrainer PubSubProducerAdapterConcurrentDelegator.ProducerQueueNode PubSubProducerAdapterDelegator -
Enum Summary Enum Description PubSubSecurityProtocol This enum is equivalent to Kafka's SecurityProtocol enum.PubSubTopicType