Interface PubSubProduceResult

All Known Implementing Classes:
ApacheKafkaProduceResult, SimplePubSubProduceResultImpl

public interface PubSubProduceResult
An interface implemented by specific PubSubProducerAdapters to return the result of a produce action.
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    The offset of the record in the topic/partition.
    The partition the record was sent to
    The position of the record in the topic/partition.
    Sum of the size of the serialized, uncompressed key and value in bytes.
    The topic the record was appended to
  • Method Details

    • getOffset

      long getOffset()
      The offset of the record in the topic/partition.
    • getPubSubPosition

      PubSubPosition getPubSubPosition()
      The position of the record in the topic/partition.
    • getSerializedSize

      int getSerializedSize()
      Sum of the size of the serialized, uncompressed key and value in bytes.
    • getTopic

      String getTopic()
      The topic the record was appended to
    • getPartition

      int getPartition()
      The partition the record was sent to