Class PubSubMessageHeaders

All Implemented Interfaces:
Measurable, Iterable<PubSubMessageHeader>
Direct Known Subclasses:

public class PubSubMessageHeaders extends Object implements Measurable, Iterable<PubSubMessageHeader>
Set of key-value pairs to tagged with messages produced to a topic. In case of headers with the same key, only the most recently added headers value will be kept.
  • Field Details


      public static final String VENICE_TRANSPORT_PROTOCOL_HEADER
      See Also:

      public static final String VENICE_LEADER_COMPLETION_STATE_HEADER
      Header to denote whether the leader is completed or not
      See Also:

      public static final String VENICE_VIEW_PARTITIONS_MAP_HEADER
      Header to provide the desired view partition mapping for the given message. Example usage: 1. A VPJ containing large messages write chunks with the header {"view1":[0], "view2":[1, 2]}. Partition leaders during NR pass-through in remote fabrics can forward chunks to their destination view partition(s) without any further processing. In the example, this chunk should be sent to view1's partition 0 and view2's partitions 1 & 2.
      See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • PubSubMessageHeaders

      public PubSubMessageHeaders()
  • Method Details