Class AutoCloseableLock

All Implemented Interfaces:
Direct Known Subclasses:
AutoCloseableMultiLock, AutoCloseableSingleLock

public abstract class AutoCloseableLock extends Object implements AutoCloseable
Concrete implementations are expected to lock their inner lock(s) in their own constructor.
  • Constructor Details

    • AutoCloseableLock

      public AutoCloseableLock()
  • Method Details

    • of

      public static AutoCloseableLock of(Lock lock)
    • ofMany

      public static AutoCloseableLock ofMany(Lock... locks)
    • close

      public void close()
      N.B. Since concurrent calls to close() is considered to be an error, there is no point in trying to optimize concurrent access via fine-grained locking or some lock-free construct (e.g. AtomicBoolean). The synchronized keyword on close is expected to be very cheap in the non-contended case (which, as stated above, is expected to always be true unless we have a bug). Therefore, it is more valuable to minimize the overhead of instances of this class via a primitive closed boolean protected by coarse synchronization than to introduce one more object to each instance of AutoCloseableLock.
      Specified by:
      close in interface AutoCloseable
    • unlock

      protected abstract void unlock()
      Concrete implementations should do whatever work is required to unlock their inner lock(s).