Class AbstractVeniceRecordReader<INPUT_KEY,INPUT_VALUE>

Type Parameters:
INPUT_KEY - The format of the key as controlled by the input format
INPUT_VALUE - The format of the value as controlled by the input format
Direct Known Subclasses:
AbstractAvroRecordReader, IdentityVeniceRecordReader, VeniceVsonRecordReader

public abstract class AbstractVeniceRecordReader<INPUT_KEY,INPUT_VALUE> extends Object
An abstraction for a record reader that reads records from the configured input into Avro-serialized keys and values.
  • Constructor Details

    • AbstractVeniceRecordReader

      public AbstractVeniceRecordReader()
  • Method Details

    • getKeySchema

      public org.apache.avro.Schema getKeySchema()
    • getValueSchema

      public org.apache.avro.Schema getValueSchema()
    • configure

      protected void configure(org.apache.avro.Schema keySchema, org.apache.avro.Schema valueSchema)
      Configure the record serializers
    • getAvroKey

      public abstract Object getAvroKey(INPUT_KEY inputKey, INPUT_VALUE inputValue)
      Return an Avro output key
    • getAvroValue

      public abstract Object getAvroValue(INPUT_KEY inputKey, INPUT_VALUE inputValue)
      return an Avro output value
    • getKeyBytes

      public byte[] getKeyBytes(INPUT_KEY inputKey, INPUT_VALUE inputValue)
      Return a serialized output key
    • getValueBytes

      public byte[] getValueBytes(INPUT_KEY inputKey, INPUT_VALUE inputValue)
      Return a serialized output value