Class TopicCleanupService

All Implemented Interfaces:
Closeable, AutoCloseable
Direct Known Subclasses:

public class TopicCleanupService extends AbstractVeniceService
The topic cleanup in Venice adopts the following strategy: 1. When Controller needs to clean up topics for retired versions or uncompleted store pushes or store deletion, it only truncates the topics (lower topic retention) instead of deleting them right away. 2. The TopicCleanupService is working as a single process to clean up all the unused topics. With this way, most of time (no leadership handover), there is only one controller talking to Kafka to delete topic, which is expected from Kafka's perspective to avoid concurrent topic deletion. In theory, it is still possible to have two controllers talking to Kafka to delete topic during leadership handover since the previous leader controller could be still working on the topic cleaning up but the new leader controller starts processing. If required, there might be several ways to alleviate this potential concurrent Kafka topic deletion: 1. Do leader controller check every time when deleting topic; 2. Register a callback to monitor leadership change; 3. Use a global Zookeeper lock; Right now, TopicCleanupService is fully decoupled from Store since there is only one process actively running to cleanup topics and the controller running this process may not be the leader controller of the cluster owning the store that the topic to be deleted belongs to. Here is how TopicCleanupService works to clean up deprecated topics [topic with low retention policy]: 1. This service is only running in leader controller of controller cluster, which means there should be only one topic cleanup service running among all the Venice clusters (not strictly considering leader handover.); 2. This service is running in a infinite loop, which will execute the following operations: 2.1 For every round, check whether current controller is the leader controller of controller parent. If yes, continue; Otherwise, sleep for a pre-configured period and check again; 2.2 Collect all the topics and categorize them based on store names; 2.3 For deprecated real-time topic, will remove it right away; 2.4 For deprecated version topics, will keep pre-configured minimal unused topics to avoid MM crash and remove others;
  • Field Details

    • sleepIntervalBetweenTopicListFetchMs

      protected final long sleepIntervalBetweenTopicListFetchMs
    • delayFactor

      protected final int delayFactor
    • multiClusterConfigs

      protected final VeniceControllerMultiClusterConfig multiClusterConfigs
    • topicPriorityComparator

      public static final Comparator<PubSubTopic> topicPriorityComparator
  • Constructor Details

  • Method Details

    • startInner

      public boolean startInner() throws Exception
      Specified by:
      startInner in class AbstractVeniceService
      true if the service is completely started, false if it is still starting asynchronously (in this case, it is the implementer's responsibility to set AbstractVeniceService.serviceState to AbstractVeniceService.ServiceState.STARTED upon completion of the async work).
    • stopInner

      public void stopInner() throws Exception
      Specified by:
      stopInner in class AbstractVeniceService
    • getAllVeniceStoreTopicsRetentions

      public static Map<String,Map<PubSubTopic,Long>> getAllVeniceStoreTopicsRetentions(Map<PubSubTopic,Long> topicsWithRetention)
      a map object that maps from the store name to the Kafka topic name and its configured Kafka retention time.
    • extractVersionTopicsToCleanup

      public static List<PubSubTopic> extractVersionTopicsToCleanup(Admin admin, Map<PubSubTopic,Long> topicRetentions, int minNumberOfUnusedKafkaTopicsToPreserve, int delayFactor)
      Filter Venice version topics so that the returned topics satisfying the following conditions:
      1. topic is truncated based on retention time.
      2. topic version is in the deletion range.
      3. current controller is the parent controller or Helix resource for this topic is already removed in child controller.
      4. topic is a real time topic;

        or topic is a version topic and passes delay countdown condition.

      a list that contains topics satisfying all the above conditions.