Class AvroComputeRequestBuilderV4<K>

    • Method Detail

      • executeWithFilter

        public void executeWithFilter​(Predicate requiredPrefixFields,
                                      StreamingCallback<org.apache.avro.generic.GenericRecord,​org.apache.avro.generic.GenericRecord> callback)
        Description copied from interface: ComputeRequestBuilder
        Streaming interface that sends compute request to Venice, which will be executed on values whose keys satisfy the given predicate. This can be used to execute partial key lookups. If predicate is null, the compute request will be executed on all values. You can find more info in StreamingCallback. This experimental feature is subject to backwards-incompatible changes in the future.
        Specified by:
        executeWithFilter in interface ComputeRequestBuilder<K>
        executeWithFilter in class AvroComputeRequestBuilderV3<K>
        requiredPrefixFields - : predicate which specifies some required leading top-level key fields
        callback - : streaming callback which stores the result from the compute request