Interface StoreIngestionService

    • Method Detail

      • startConsumption

        void startConsumption​(VeniceStoreVersionConfig veniceStore,
                              int partitionId)
        Starts consuming messages from Kafka Partition corresponding to Venice Partition.
        veniceStore - Venice Store for the partition.
        partitionId - Venice partition's id.
      • stopConsumption

        java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture<java.lang.Void> stopConsumption​(VeniceStoreVersionConfig veniceStore,
                                                                               int partitionId)
        Stops consuming messages from Kafka Partition corresponding to Venice Partition.
        veniceStore - Venice Store for the partition.
        partitionId - Venice partition's id.
      • stopConsumptionAndWait

        void stopConsumptionAndWait​(VeniceStoreVersionConfig veniceStore,
                                    int partitionId,
                                    int sleepSeconds,
                                    int numRetries,
                                    boolean whetherToResetOffset)
        Stops consuming messages from Kafka Partition corresponding to Venice Partition and wait up to (sleepSeconds * numRetires) to make sure partition consumption is stopped.
      • killConsumptionTask

        boolean killConsumptionTask​(java.lang.String topicName)
        Kill all of running consumptions of given store.
        topicName - Venice topic (store and version number) for the corresponding consumer task that needs to be killed.
      • addIngestionNotifier

        void addIngestionNotifier​(VeniceNotifier notifier)
        Adds Notifier to get Notifications for get various status of the consumption tasks like start, completed, progress and error states. Multiple Notifiers can be added for the same consumption tasks and all of them will be notified in order.
        notifier -
      • replaceAndAddTestNotifier

        void replaceAndAddTestNotifier​(VeniceNotifier notifier)
      • containsRunningConsumption

        boolean containsRunningConsumption​(VeniceStoreVersionConfig veniceStore)
        Check whether there is a running consumption task for given store.
      • containsRunningConsumption

        boolean containsRunningConsumption​(java.lang.String topic)
        Check whether there is a running consumption task for given store version topic.
      • isPartitionConsuming

        boolean isPartitionConsuming​(java.lang.String topic,
                                     int partitionId)
        Check whether the specified partition is still being consumed
      • getIngestingTopicsWithVersionStatusNotOnline

        java.util.Set<java.lang.String> getIngestingTopicsWithVersionStatusNotOnline()
        Get topic names that are currently maintained by the ingestion service with corresponding version status not in an online state. Topics with invalid store or version number are also included in the returned list.
        a Set of topic names.
      • recordIngestionFailure

        void recordIngestionFailure​(java.lang.String storeName)
      • getStoreIngestionTask

        StoreIngestionTask getStoreIngestionTask​(java.lang.String topic)