Class StatsAvroGenericDaVinciClient<K,V>

All Implemented Interfaces:
DaVinciClient<K,V>, AvroGenericReadComputeStoreClient<K,V>, AvroGenericStoreClient<K,V>, Closeable, AutoCloseable
Direct Known Subclasses:

public class StatsAvroGenericDaVinciClient<K,V> extends DelegatingAvroGenericDaVinciClient<K,V>
Currently, we only expose metrics for single-get and batch-get requests, and if there is a need to have metrics for other request types, we can add them later. So far, it only offers very basic metrics: 1. Healthy request rate. 2. Unhealthy request rate. 3. Healthy request latency. 4. Key count for batch-get request. 5. Success request/key count ratio.