Class BlockingDaVinciRecordTransformer<K,V,O>

Type Parameters:
K - type of the input key
V - type of the input value
O - type of the output value
All Implemented Interfaces:
Closeable, AutoCloseable

@Experimental public class BlockingDaVinciRecordTransformer<K,V,O> extends DaVinciRecordTransformer<K,V,O>
This is an implementation of DaVinciRecordTransformer that implements blocking. It ensures that no puts can proceed until onStartIngestionTask finishes.
  • Constructor Details

    • BlockingDaVinciRecordTransformer

      public BlockingDaVinciRecordTransformer(DaVinciRecordTransformer recordTransformer, org.apache.avro.Schema keySchema, org.apache.avro.Schema inputValueSchema, org.apache.avro.Schema outputValueSchema, boolean storeRecordsInDaVinci)
  • Method Details