Enum Class AvroProtocolDefinition

All Implemented Interfaces:
Serializable, Comparable<AvroProtocolDefinition>, Constable

public enum AvroProtocolDefinition extends Enum<AvroProtocolDefinition>
This enum lays out the basic specs of the various stateful protocols used in Venice. Having these definitions in a single place makes it easy to ensure that magic bytes are defined only once and do not conflict with each other.
See Also:
  • Enum Constant Details


      public static final AvroProtocolDefinition KAFKA_MESSAGE_ENVELOPE
      Used for the Kafka topics, including the main data topics as well as the admin topic.

      public static final AvroProtocolDefinition PARTITION_STATE
      Used to persist the state of a partition in Storage Nodes, including offset, Data Ingest Validation state, etc.

      public static final AvroProtocolDefinition STORE_VERSION_STATE
      Used to persist state related to a store-version, including Start of Buffer Replay offsets and whether the input is sorted.

      public static final AvroProtocolDefinition PUSH_JOB_DETAILS
      Used to encode push job details records to be written to the PushJobDetails system store.

      public static final AvroProtocolDefinition ADMIN_OPERATION
      Used to encode metadata changes about the system as a whole. Records of this type are propagated via the "admin channel" special Kafka topic. It is stored in the Put of a KafkaMessageEnvelope, and thus leverages the envelope for versioning. TODO: Move AdminOperation to venice-common module so that we can properly reference it here.
    • CHUNK

      public static final AvroProtocolDefinition CHUNK
      Single chunk of a large multi-chunk value. Just a bunch of bytes. Uses a negative protocol version in order to avoid clashing with user-defined schemas.

      public static final AvroProtocolDefinition CHUNKED_VALUE_MANIFEST
      Used to encode the manifest of a multi-chunk large value. It is stored in the Put of a KafkaMessageEnvelope, and thus leverages the envelope for versioning. Uses a negative protocol version in order to avoid clashing with user-defined schemas.

      public static final AvroProtocolDefinition CHUNKED_KEY_SUFFIX
      Suffix appended to the end of all keys in a store-version where chunking is enabled. This protocol is actually un-evolvable.

      public static final AvroProtocolDefinition INGESTION_TASK_COMMAND
      Used to encode various kinds of ingestion task commands, which are used to control ingestion task in child process.

      public static final AvroProtocolDefinition INGESTION_TASK_REPORT
      Used to encode status of ingestion task, that are reported backed from child process to Storage Node / Da Vinci backend.

      public static final AvroProtocolDefinition INGESTION_METRICS_REPORT
      Used to encode metrics collected from ingestion task, that are reported backed from child process to Storage Node / Da Vinci backend.

      public static final AvroProtocolDefinition INGESTION_STORAGE_METADATA
      Used to encode storage metadata updates that are reported backed from Storage Node / Da Vinci backend to child process.

      public static final AvroProtocolDefinition PROCESS_SHUTDOWN_COMMAND
      Used to encode various kinds of ingestion task commands, which are used to control ingestion task in child process.

      public static final AvroProtocolDefinition BATCH_JOB_HEARTBEAT

      public static final AvroProtocolDefinition PUBSUB_POSITION_WIRE_FORMAT
      Used to encode the position of a PubSub message.

      public static final AvroProtocolDefinition LOADED_STORE_USER_PARTITION_MAPPING
      Used to retrieve the loaded store partition mapping in the isolated process. In theory, we don't need to use magicByte for the communication with II process.

      public static final AvroProtocolDefinition METADATA_SYSTEM_SCHEMA_STORE_KEY
      Key schema for metadata system store.

      public static final AvroProtocolDefinition METADATA_SYSTEM_SCHEMA_STORE
      Value schema for metadata system store.

      public static final AvroProtocolDefinition PUSH_STATUS_SYSTEM_SCHEMA_STORE_KEY
      Key schema for push status system store.

      public static final AvroProtocolDefinition PUSH_STATUS_SYSTEM_SCHEMA_STORE
      Value schema for push status system store.

      public static final AvroProtocolDefinition PARTICIPANT_MESSAGE_SYSTEM_STORE_VALUE
      Value schema for participant system stores.

      public static final AvroProtocolDefinition SERVER_ADMIN_RESPONSE
      Response record for admin request.

      public static final AvroProtocolDefinition SERVER_METADATA_RESPONSE
      Response record for metadata fetch request.

      public static final AvroProtocolDefinition SERVER_STORE_PROPERTIES_PAYLOAD
      Response record for metadata by client fetch request.

      public static final AvroProtocolDefinition RECORD_CHANGE_EVENT
      Value schema for change capture event. TODO: Figure out a way to pull in protocol from different view class.

      public static final AvroProtocolDefinition GLOBAL_RT_DIV_STATE
      Global Realtime Topic Data Integrity Validator is the RT DIV snapshot propagated from the leader to followers.
  • Field Details

    • currentProtocolVersion

      public final Optional<Integer> currentProtocolVersion
      The protocol version that is currently in use. Typically, this should be the greatest number available, but that may not necessarily be true if some new experimental version of a protocol is being designed and is not yet rolled out.
  • Method Details

    • values

      public static AvroProtocolDefinition[] values()
      Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
      an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared
    • valueOf

      public static AvroProtocolDefinition valueOf(String name)
      Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name. The string must match exactly an identifier used to declare an enum constant in this class. (Extraneous whitespace characters are not permitted.)
      name - the name of the enum constant to be returned.
      the enum constant with the specified name
      IllegalArgumentException - if this enum class has no constant with the specified name
      NullPointerException - if the argument is null
    • getSerializer

      public <T extends org.apache.avro.specific.SpecificRecord> InternalAvroSpecificSerializer<T> getSerializer()
    • getCurrentProtocolVersion

      public int getCurrentProtocolVersion()
    • getCurrentProtocolVersionSchema

      public org.apache.avro.Schema getCurrentProtocolVersionSchema()
    • getMagicByte

      public Optional<Byte> getMagicByte()
    • getClassName

      public String getClassName()
    • getSystemStoreName

      public String getSystemStoreName()