Interface SchemaReader

    • Method Detail

      • getKeySchema

        org.apache.avro.Schema getKeySchema()
      • getValueSchema

        org.apache.avro.Schema getValueSchema​(int id)
      • getValueSchemaId

        int getValueSchemaId​(org.apache.avro.Schema schema)
        Return the schema ID of any schema that has the same parsing canonical form as the schema provided.
        schema - The schema for which the schema ID is needed
        The ID of the schema that has the same parsing canonical form as the schema provided
      • getLatestValueSchema

        org.apache.avro.Schema getLatestValueSchema()
      • getLatestValueSchemaId

        java.lang.Integer getLatestValueSchemaId()
        Get the latest value schema id. This may be different from the value schema with the largest id if the superset schema is not the value schema with the largest id
      • getUpdateSchema

        org.apache.avro.Schema getUpdateSchema​(int valueSchemaId)