Class KafkaDataIntegrityValidator


public class KafkaDataIntegrityValidator extends Object
This class is a library that can validate the Kafka message during consumption, which can be used in Venice-Server/Da-Vinci and ETL. In high level, it keeps track of messages produced by different producers, and validates data integrity in 4 perspectives: 1. Whether a segment starts from a non-zero sequence number (UNREGISTERED_PRODUCER); 2. Whether there is a gap between segments or within a segment (MISSING); 3. Whether data within a segment is corrupted (CORRUPT); 4. Whether producers have produced duplicate messages, which is fine and expected due to producer retries (DUPLICATE).
  • Field Details

  • Constructor Details

    • KafkaDataIntegrityValidator

      public KafkaDataIntegrityValidator(String topicName)
    • KafkaDataIntegrityValidator

      public KafkaDataIntegrityValidator(String topicName, long kafkaLogCompactionDelayInMs)
      This constructor is used by a proprietary ETL project. Do not clean up (yet)! TODO: Open source the ETL or make it stop depending on an exotic open source API
    • KafkaDataIntegrityValidator

      public KafkaDataIntegrityValidator(String topicName, long kafkaLogCompactionDelayInMs, long maxAgeInMs)
  • Method Details

    • clearPartition

      public void clearPartition(int partition)
      In some cases, such as when resetting offsets or unsubscribing from a partition, the PartitionTracker should forget about the state that it accumulated for a given partition.
      partition - to clear state for
    • setPartitionState

      public void setPartitionState(PartitionTracker.TopicType type, int partition, OffsetRecord offsetRecord)
    • validateMessage

      public void validateMessage(PartitionTracker.TopicType type, DefaultPubSubMessage consumerRecord, boolean endOfPushReceived, Lazy<Boolean> tolerateMissingMsgs) throws DataValidationException
      Run a thorough DIV check on the message, including UNREGISTERED_PRODUCER, MISSING, CORRUPT and DUPLICATE.
    • updateOffsetRecordForPartition

      public void updateOffsetRecordForPartition(PartitionTracker.TopicType type, int partition, OffsetRecord offsetRecord)
      For a given partition, find all the producers that has written to this partition and update the offsetRecord using segment information. Prior to this, the state which is expired according to maxAgeInMs will be cleared.
      partition - to extract info for
      offsetRecord - to modify
    • cloneProducerStates

      public void cloneProducerStates(int partition, KafkaDataIntegrityValidator newValidator)
    • cloneProducerStates

      public PartitionTracker cloneProducerStates(int partition, String brokerUrl)
      Returns the RT DIV state for a given partition and broker URL, and the VT DIV state
    • checkMissingMessage

      public void checkMissingMessage(DefaultPubSubMessage consumerRecord, Optional<PartitionTracker.DIVErrorMetricCallback> errorMetricCallback) throws DataValidationException
      Only check for missing sequence number; segment starting from a positive sequence number is acceptable considering real-time buffer replay would start in the middle of a segment; checksum is also ignored for the same reason. If missing message happens for an old message that is older than the Kafka log compaction lag threshold, MISSING exception will not be thrown because it's expected that log compaction would compact old messages. However, if data are fresh and missing message is detected, MISSING exception will be thrown. This API is used by a proprietary ETL project. Do not clean up (yet)! TODO: Open source the ETL or make it stop depending on an exotic open source API
    • updateLatestConsumedVtOffset

      public void updateLatestConsumedVtOffset(int partition, long offset)