Class VeniceJVMStats


public class VeniceJVMStats extends AbstractVeniceStats
Simple class that spins JVM platform stats into Venice stats. Explanations for these stats can be got from BufferPoolMXBean and MemoryMxBean
  • Field Details

    • directMemoryUsage

      public final io.tehuti.metrics.Sensor directMemoryUsage
      Returns an estimate of the memory that the Java virtual machine is using for this buffer pool. The value returned by this method may differ from the estimate of the total capacity of the buffers in this pool due to implementation.
    • directMemoryCapacity

      public final io.tehuti.metrics.Sensor directMemoryCapacity
      An estimate of the total capacity of the buffers in this pool. A buffer's capacity is the number of elements it contains and the value returned by this method is an estimate of the total capacity of buffers in the pool in bytes.
    • directMemoryPoolCount

      public final io.tehuti.metrics.Sensor directMemoryPoolCount
      An estimate of the number of buffers in the pool.
    • heapUsage

      public final io.tehuti.metrics.Sensor heapUsage
      The current memory usage of the heap that is used for object allocation. The amount of used memory in the returned memory usage is the amount of memory occupied by both live objects and garbage objects that have not been collected, if any.
  • Constructor Details

    • VeniceJVMStats

      public VeniceJVMStats(io.tehuti.metrics.MetricsRepository metricsRepository, String name)