Class ServiceDiscoveryAnnouncerRetryTask

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class ServiceDiscoveryAnnouncerRetryTask extends Object implements Runnable
This class is responsible for retrying the registration of a ServiceDiscoveryAnnouncer in the case of registration failure. It is a runnable task that is scheduled to register each service discovery announcer every serviceDiscoveryRegistrationRetryMS milliseconds.
  • Constructor Details

    • ServiceDiscoveryAnnouncerRetryTask

      public ServiceDiscoveryAnnouncerRetryTask(BlockingQueue<ServiceDiscoveryAnnouncer> serviceDiscoveryAnnouncerRetryQueue, long serviceDiscoveryRegistrationRetryMS)
  • Method Details

    • run

      public void run()
      If the retry queue is empty, the task will wait until there is an available element in the queue. Each service discovery announcer will retry registration every serviceDiscoveryRegistrationRetryMS milliseconds.
      Specified by:
      run in interface Runnable