Package com.linkedin.venice.listener.request
package com.linkedin.venice.listener.request
encapsulates an admin request from server admin tools.ComputeRouterRequestWrapper
encapsulates a POST request for read-compute from routers.DictionaryFetchRequest
encapsulates a GET request to storage/storename/version on the storage node to fetch the compression dictionary for that version.GetRouterRequest
encapsulates a GET request to storage/resourcename/partition/key on the storage node for a single-get operation.HealthCheckRequest
encapsulates information of a health-check request from routers.MetadataFetchRequest
encapsulates a GET request to /metadata/storename on the storage node to fetch metadata for that node.MultiGetRouterRequestWrapper
encapsulates a POST request to storage/resourcename on the storage node for a multi-get operation.MultiKeyRouterRequestWrapper
is a base class for a multi-key operation.RouterRequest
is an abstract base class for single-get and multi-get operations.MetadataFetchRequest
encapsulates a GET request to /store_properties/storename on the storage node to fetch metadata for that node.