Class ConfigureIncrementalPushForCluster

All Implemented Interfaces:
Externalizable, Serializable, Comparable<org.apache.avro.specific.SpecificRecord>, org.apache.avro.generic.GenericContainer, org.apache.avro.generic.GenericRecord, org.apache.avro.generic.IndexedRecord, org.apache.avro.specific.SpecificRecord

public class ConfigureIncrementalPushForCluster extends org.apache.avro.specific.SpecificRecordBase implements org.apache.avro.specific.SpecificRecord
A command to migrate all incremental push stores in a cluster to a specific incremental push policy.
See Also:
  • Field Details

    • SCHEMA$

      public static final org.apache.avro.Schema SCHEMA$
    • clusterName

      public CharSequence clusterName
    • incrementalPushPolicyToFilter

      public int incrementalPushPolicyToFilter
      If this batch update command is trying to configure existing incremental push store type, their incremental push policy should also match this filter before the batch update command applies any change to them. Default value is -1, meaning there is no filter.
    • incrementalPushPolicyToApply

      public int incrementalPushPolicyToApply
      This field will determine what incremental push policy will be applied to the selected stores. Default value is 1, which is the INCREMENTAL_PUSH_SAME_AS_REAL_TIME policy
    • regionsFilter

      public CharSequence regionsFilter
  • Constructor Details

    • ConfigureIncrementalPushForCluster

      public ConfigureIncrementalPushForCluster()
      Default constructor. Note that this does not initialize fields to their default values from the schema. If that is desired then one should use newBuilder().
    • ConfigureIncrementalPushForCluster

      public ConfigureIncrementalPushForCluster(CharSequence clusterName, Integer incrementalPushPolicyToFilter, Integer incrementalPushPolicyToApply, CharSequence regionsFilter)
      All-args constructor.
      clusterName - The new value for clusterName
      incrementalPushPolicyToFilter - If this batch update command is trying to configure existing incremental push store type, their incremental push policy should also match this filter before the batch update command applies any change to them. Default value is -1, meaning there is no filter.
      incrementalPushPolicyToApply - This field will determine what incremental push policy will be applied to the selected stores. Default value is 1, which is the INCREMENTAL_PUSH_SAME_AS_REAL_TIME policy
      regionsFilter - The new value for regionsFilter
  • Method Details

    • getClassSchema

      public static org.apache.avro.Schema getClassSchema()
    • getSpecificData

      public org.apache.avro.specific.SpecificData getSpecificData()
      getSpecificData in class org.apache.avro.specific.SpecificRecordBase
    • getSchema

      public org.apache.avro.Schema getSchema()
      Specified by:
      getSchema in interface org.apache.avro.generic.GenericContainer
      Specified by:
      getSchema in class org.apache.avro.specific.SpecificRecordBase
    • get

      public Object get(int field$)
      Specified by:
      get in interface org.apache.avro.generic.IndexedRecord
      Specified by:
      get in class org.apache.avro.specific.SpecificRecordBase
    • put

      public void put(int field$, Object value$)
      Specified by:
      put in interface org.apache.avro.generic.IndexedRecord
      Specified by:
      put in class org.apache.avro.specific.SpecificRecordBase
    • getClusterName

      public CharSequence getClusterName()
      Gets the value of the 'clusterName' field.
      The value of the 'clusterName' field.
    • setClusterName

      public void setClusterName(CharSequence value)
      Sets the value of the 'clusterName' field.
      value - the value to set.
    • getIncrementalPushPolicyToFilter

      public int getIncrementalPushPolicyToFilter()
      Gets the value of the 'incrementalPushPolicyToFilter' field.
      If this batch update command is trying to configure existing incremental push store type, their incremental push policy should also match this filter before the batch update command applies any change to them. Default value is -1, meaning there is no filter.
    • setIncrementalPushPolicyToFilter

      public void setIncrementalPushPolicyToFilter(int value)
      Sets the value of the 'incrementalPushPolicyToFilter' field. If this batch update command is trying to configure existing incremental push store type, their incremental push policy should also match this filter before the batch update command applies any change to them. Default value is -1, meaning there is no filter.
      value - the value to set.
    • getIncrementalPushPolicyToApply

      public int getIncrementalPushPolicyToApply()
      Gets the value of the 'incrementalPushPolicyToApply' field.
      This field will determine what incremental push policy will be applied to the selected stores. Default value is 1, which is the INCREMENTAL_PUSH_SAME_AS_REAL_TIME policy
    • setIncrementalPushPolicyToApply

      public void setIncrementalPushPolicyToApply(int value)
      Sets the value of the 'incrementalPushPolicyToApply' field. This field will determine what incremental push policy will be applied to the selected stores. Default value is 1, which is the INCREMENTAL_PUSH_SAME_AS_REAL_TIME policy
      value - the value to set.
    • getRegionsFilter

      public CharSequence getRegionsFilter()
      Gets the value of the 'regionsFilter' field.
      The value of the 'regionsFilter' field.
    • setRegionsFilter

      public void setRegionsFilter(CharSequence value)
      Sets the value of the 'regionsFilter' field.
      value - the value to set.
    • writeExternal

      public void writeExternal(ObjectOutput out) throws IOException
      Specified by:
      writeExternal in interface Externalizable
      writeExternal in class org.apache.avro.specific.SpecificRecordBase
    • readExternal

      public void readExternal(ObjectInput in) throws IOException
      Specified by:
      readExternal in interface Externalizable
      readExternal in class org.apache.avro.specific.SpecificRecordBase