Class MockVeniceAuthorizer

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class MockVeniceAuthorizer extends Object implements AuthorizerService
A mock AuthorizerService implementation to help in unit test.
  • Field Details

    • setAclsCounter

      public int setAclsCounter
    • clearAclCounter

      public int clearAclCounter
  • Constructor Details

    • MockVeniceAuthorizer

      public MockVeniceAuthorizer()
  • Method Details

    • canAccess

      public boolean canAccess(Method method, Resource resource, Principal principal)
      Description copied from interface: AuthorizerService
      Check if the principal has the permission to perform the method on the resource. Implementation should define how to handle duplicate/conflicting ACE entries present for the resource and also how to handle presence of no AceEntries for a resource.
      Specified by:
      canAccess in interface AuthorizerService
      method - what method is being performed.
      resource - what resource the method is being performed
      principal - who is performing the method on the resource.
      true if principal has the permission to perform the method on the resource, otherwise return false.
    • canAccess

      public boolean canAccess(Method method, Resource resource, X509Certificate accessorCert)
      Description copied from interface: AuthorizerService
      Check if the principal has the permission to perform the method on the resource. Implementation should define how to handle duplicate/conflicting ACE entries present for the resource and also how to handle presence of no AceEntries for a resource.
      Specified by:
      canAccess in interface AuthorizerService
      method - what method is being performed.
      resource - what resource the method is being performed
      accessorCert - who is performing the method on the resource.
      true if principal has the permission to perform the method on the resource, otherwise return false.
    • describeAcls

      public AclBinding describeAcls(Resource resource)
      Description copied from interface: AuthorizerService
      Return a list of existing AceEntries present for the given resource. Implementations should return an empty AclBinding object when no acl's are present for the resource.
      Specified by:
      describeAcls in interface AuthorizerService
      AclBinding object containg the list of existing aceEntries. The AceEntry list may be empty if there is no existing ACL's provisioned.
    • setAcls

      public void setAcls(AclBinding aclBinding)
      Description copied from interface: AuthorizerService
      This will set the AceEntries in provided AclBinding object to be the current set of ACL's for the resource. This performs an overwrite operation. An empty AceEntries list will clear all acls and achieve a similar result like AuthorizerService.clearAcls(Resource).
      Specified by:
      setAcls in interface AuthorizerService
      aclBinding - A fully contained object having a list of AceEntries associated with the resource.
    • clearAcls

      public void clearAcls(Resource resource)
      Description copied from interface: AuthorizerService
      This will clear the existing AceEntries for a resource.
      Specified by:
      clearAcls in interface AuthorizerService
      resource - the resource for which all ACl's will be cleared.
    • addAce

      public void addAce(Resource resource, AceEntry aceEntry)
      Description copied from interface: AuthorizerService
      This will add a single AceEntry to the existing AceEntries for a resource. Implementation may or may not allow duplicate/conflicting entries. Implementation may throw any necessary error/exception.
      Specified by:
      addAce in interface AuthorizerService
      resource - The resource for which an AceEntry is getting added.
      aceEntry - The AceEntry to be removed.
    • removeAce

      public void removeAce(Resource resource, AceEntry aceEntry)
      Description copied from interface: AuthorizerService
      This will remove a single AceEntry from the existing AceEntries for a resource. Implementation should define how to handle removal in case duplicate AceEntries are allowed. The equivalence check should do exact match of all fields of the AceEntry object. Implementation may throw any necessary error/exception.
      Specified by:
      removeAce in interface AuthorizerService
      resource - The resource for which an AceEntry is getting removed.
      aceEntry - The AceEntry to be removed.