Interface StoreSchemaFetcher

All Superinterfaces:
AutoCloseable, Closeable
All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface StoreSchemaFetcher extends Closeable
This class is the public interface for Venice store user to fetch store schemas. It is intended to replace the old schema fetching APIs in AvroGenericStoreClient. It is expected that each instance of this class is associated with a single Venice store and user can use it to fetch the Venice store schemas for their logics.
  • Method Details

    • getKeySchema

      org.apache.avro.Schema getKeySchema()
      Returns Key schema of the store.
    • getLatestValueSchema

      org.apache.avro.Schema getLatestValueSchema()
      Returns the latest available Value schema of the store. The latest superset schema is: 1. If a superset schema exists for the store, return the superset schema 2. If no superset schema exists for the store, return the value schema with the largest schema id
    • getAllValueSchemas

      default Set<org.apache.avro.Schema> getAllValueSchemas()
      Returns all value schemas of the store.
    • getAllValueSchemasWithId

      Map<Integer,org.apache.avro.Schema> getAllValueSchemasWithId()
      Returns all value schemas of the store as a map with schema id as the key.
    • getUpdateSchema

      org.apache.avro.Schema getUpdateSchema(org.apache.avro.Schema valueSchema) throws VeniceException
      Returns the Update (Write Compute) schema of the provided Value schema. The returned schema is used to construct a GenericRecord that partially updates a record value that is associated with this value schema. This method is expected to throw InvalidVeniceSchemaException when the provided value schema could not be found in the Venice backend. For other unexpected errors like store is not write-compute enabled or corresponding update schema is not found in the Venice backend, this method will throw general VeniceException with corresponding error message.
    • getStoreName

      String getStoreName()
      Returns the Venice store name this class is associated with.
    • getLatestValueSchemaEntry

      SchemaEntry getLatestValueSchemaEntry()
    • getUpdateSchemaEntry

      DerivedSchemaEntry getUpdateSchemaEntry(int valueSchemaId)
      Get the latest derived schema of a value schema. Return the derived schema in DerivedSchemaEntry format, which contains Schema and protocol ID.