Class KafkaTopicDumper

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class KafkaTopicDumper extends Object implements AutoCloseable
This class contains logic to dump Venice Kafka topics. It has several modes: (1) Log metadata: Print out Kafka message metadata to console. (2) Log data record: Print out data record's key/value and optionally RMD to console. For now it only supports version topic and realtime topic. (3) Save data record to file: If both (1)&(2) is not enabled, it will save all the data record value payload to local disk.
  • Constructor Details

  • Method Details

    • fetchAndProcess

      public int fetchAndProcess(long startOffset, long endOffset, int messageCount)
      Fetches and processes messages from a given PubSub topic partition between specified offsets.

      The method polls messages from the specified `startOffset` to `endOffset` and processes up to `messageCount` messages. It uses the consumer to fetch records in batches, processes them via processRecord, and stops under the following conditions:

      • The number of processed messages reaches messageCount.
      • The offset of the last processed message is greater than or equal to endOffset.
      • No new records are fetched within the allowed number of attempts.
      startOffset - the starting offset (inclusive) to begin processing messages
      endOffset - the ending offset (exclusive) to stop processing messages
      messageCount - the maximum number of messages to process
      the total number of messages processed
      IllegalArgumentException - if messageCount is less than or equal to zero, or if startOffset is greater than endOffset
    • close

      public void close() throws Exception
      Specified by:
      close in interface AutoCloseable