Class LogNotifier

    • Constructor Detail

      • LogNotifier

        public LogNotifier()
    • Method Detail

      • started

        public void started​(java.lang.String pubSubTopic,
                            int partitionId,
                            java.lang.String message)
        Specified by:
        started in interface VeniceNotifier
      • restarted

        public void restarted​(java.lang.String pubSubTopic,
                              int partitionId,
                              long offset,
                              java.lang.String message)
        Specified by:
        restarted in interface VeniceNotifier
      • completed

        public void completed​(java.lang.String pubSubTopic,
                              int partitionId,
                              long offset,
                              java.lang.String message)
        Specified by:
        completed in interface VeniceNotifier
      • progress

        public void progress​(java.lang.String pubSubTopic,
                             int partitionId,
                             long offset,
                             java.lang.String message)
        Specified by:
        progress in interface VeniceNotifier
      • endOfPushReceived

        public void endOfPushReceived​(java.lang.String pubSubTopic,
                                      int partitionId,
                                      long offset,
                                      java.lang.String message)
        Specified by:
        endOfPushReceived in interface VeniceNotifier
      • topicSwitchReceived

        public void topicSwitchReceived​(java.lang.String pubSubTopic,
                                        int partitionId,
                                        long offset,
                                        java.lang.String message)
        Specified by:
        topicSwitchReceived in interface VeniceNotifier
      • dataRecoveryCompleted

        public void dataRecoveryCompleted​(java.lang.String pubSubTopic,
                                          int partitionId,
                                          long offset,
                                          java.lang.String message)
        Specified by:
        dataRecoveryCompleted in interface VeniceNotifier
      • startOfIncrementalPushReceived

        public void startOfIncrementalPushReceived​(java.lang.String pubSubTopic,
                                                   int partitionId,
                                                   long offset,
                                                   java.lang.String message)
        Specified by:
        startOfIncrementalPushReceived in interface VeniceNotifier
      • endOfIncrementalPushReceived

        public void endOfIncrementalPushReceived​(java.lang.String pubSubTopic,
                                                 int partitionId,
                                                 long offset,
                                                 java.lang.String message)
        Specified by:
        endOfIncrementalPushReceived in interface VeniceNotifier
      • close

        public void close()
        Description copied from interface: VeniceNotifier
        The Process is shutting down and clean up the resources associated with the Notifier. N.B. When implementing the method, make it idempotent.
        Specified by:
        close in interface java.lang.AutoCloseable
        Specified by:
        close in interface
        Specified by:
        close in interface VeniceNotifier
      • error

        public void error​(java.lang.String pubSubTopic,
                          int partitionId,
                          java.lang.String message,
                          java.lang.Exception ex)
        Description copied from interface: VeniceNotifier
        Report an error, during the consumption for a Partitions and store. The error may or may not be fatal.
        Specified by:
        error in interface VeniceNotifier
      • stopped

        public void stopped​(java.lang.String pubSubTopic,
                            int partitionId,
                            long offset)
        Specified by:
        stopped in interface VeniceNotifier