Package com.linkedin.davinci.helix
package com.linkedin.davinci.helix
ClassDescriptionAn abstraction of Helix State model behavior registry that defines how participants (Storage node) fetch data from Kafka.ModelFactory manages Helix state model creation.Venice Participation Service wrapping Helix Participant.This class used to override
VeniceNotifier.catchUpVersionTopicOffsetLag(String, int)
to release the latch when the resource is the current version.Venice partition's state model to manage Leader/Follower(Standby) state transitions.A leader session id checker will be created for each consumer action; server checks whether the session id is still valid before processing the consumer action.State Transition Handler factory for handling Leader/Follower resources in the storage node.The leader follower state thread pool strategy specifies how thread pools are allocated for Helix state transition.This class notifies the Helix State Models (SM) about corresponding ingestion progress.