Class BlobTransferUtil

  • public class BlobTransferUtil
    extends java.lang.Object
    • Constructor Detail

      • BlobTransferUtil

        public BlobTransferUtil()
    • Method Detail

      • getP2PBlobTransferManagerForDVCAndStart

        public static BlobTransferManager<java.lang.Void> getP2PBlobTransferManagerForDVCAndStart​(int p2pTransferPort,
                                                                                                  java.lang.String baseDir,
                                                                                                  ClientConfig clientConfig,
                                                                                                  StorageMetadataService storageMetadataService,
                                                                                                  ReadOnlyStoreRepository readOnlyStoreRepository,
                                                                                                  StorageEngineRepository storageEngineRepository,
                                                                                                  int maxConcurrentSnapshotUser,
                                                                                                  int snapshotRetentionTimeInMin,
                                                                                                  int blobTransferMaxTimeoutInMin,
                                                                                                  AggVersionedBlobTransferStats aggVersionedBlobTransferStats)
        Get a P2P blob transfer manager for DaVinci Client and start it.
        p2pTransferPort - , the port used by the P2P transfer server and client
        baseDir - , the base directory of the underlying storage
        clientConfig - , the client config to start up a transport client
        storageMetadataService - , the storage metadata service
        the blob transfer manager
      • getP2PBlobTransferManagerForServerAndStart

        public static BlobTransferManager<java.lang.Void> getP2PBlobTransferManagerForServerAndStart​(int p2pTransferServerPort,
                                                                                                     int p2pTransferClientPort,
                                                                                                     java.lang.String baseDir,
                                                                                                     java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture<HelixCustomizedViewOfflinePushRepository> customizedViewFuture,
                                                                                                     StorageMetadataService storageMetadataService,
                                                                                                     ReadOnlyStoreRepository readOnlyStoreRepository,
                                                                                                     StorageEngineRepository storageEngineRepository,
                                                                                                     int maxConcurrentSnapshotUser,
                                                                                                     int snapshotRetentionTimeInMin,
                                                                                                     int blobTransferMaxTimeoutInMin,
                                                                                                     AggVersionedBlobTransferStats aggVersionedBlobTransferStats)
        Get a P2P blob transfer manager for Server and start it.
        p2pTransferServerPort - the port used by the P2P transfer server
        p2pTransferClientPort - the port used by the P2P transfer client
        baseDir - the base directory of the underlying storage
        customizedViewFuture - the future of the customized view repository
        the blob transfer manager