Package com.linkedin.alpini.netty4.misc
package com.linkedin.alpini.netty4.misc
ClassDescriptionCreated by acurtis on 9/28/17.Created by acurtis on 3/22/17.Created by acurtis on 3/27/17.Created by acurtis on 4/19/17.Created by acurtis on 3/22/17.Created by acurtis on 3/23/17.The purpose of this class is to execute tasks in series without overlap, even if the
ChannelTaskSerializer.executeTask(Consumer, ChannelFutureListener)
method is called before the completion if the previous tasks.Created by acurtis on 3/22/17.Created by acurtis on 3/27/17.Created by acurtis on 2/1/17.HTTP/2 utility methods.Created by acurtis on 3/22/17.Created by acurtis on 3/23/17.This will be used to stash reoccurring common bits of code.LocalThreadEventLoopGroup<E extends>A specialisedEventLoopGroup
method prefers to return anEventLoop
for the current thread, if the current thread is a thread of the wrapped MultithreadEventLoopGroup.Created by acurtis on 3/30/17.Created by acurtis on 12/12/16.ShutdownableEventLoopGroup<E extends>Created by acurtis on 3/30/17.Created by acurtis on 3/30/17.Created by acurtis on 3/30/17.Created by acurtis on 12/12/16.