Class BasicHttpClientCodec

All Implemented Interfaces:,,, io.netty.handler.codec.http.HttpClientUpgradeHandler.SourceCodec

public final class BasicHttpClientCodec extends<BasicHttpResponseDecoder,io.netty.handler.codec.http.HttpRequestEncoder> implements io.netty.handler.codec.http.HttpClientUpgradeHandler.SourceCodec
A combination of HttpRequestEncoder and BasicHttpResponseDecoder which enables easier client side HTTP implementation. HttpClientCodec provides additional state management for HEAD and CONNECT requests, which BasicHttpResponseDecoder lacks. Please refer to BasicHttpResponseDecoder to learn what additional state management needs to be done for HEAD and CONNECT and why BasicHttpResponseDecoder can not handle it by itself. If the Channel is closed and there are missing responses, a PrematureChannelClosureException is thrown.
See Also:
  • Nested Class Summary

    Nested classes/interfaces inherited from interface
  • Constructor Summary

    Creates a new instance with the default decoder options (maxInitialLineLength (4096}, maxHeaderSize (8192), and maxChunkSize (8192)).
    BasicHttpClientCodec(int maxInitialLineLength, int maxHeaderSize, int maxChunkSize)
    Creates a new instance with the specified decoder options.
    BasicHttpClientCodec(int maxInitialLineLength, int maxHeaderSize, int maxChunkSize, boolean failOnMissingResponse)
    Creates a new instance with the specified decoder options.
    BasicHttpClientCodec(int maxInitialLineLength, int maxHeaderSize, int maxChunkSize, boolean failOnMissingResponse, boolean validateHeaders)
    Creates a new instance with the specified decoder options.
    BasicHttpClientCodec(int maxInitialLineLength, int maxHeaderSize, int maxChunkSize, boolean failOnMissingResponse, boolean validateHeaders, boolean parseHttpAfterConnectRequest)
    Creates a new instance with the specified decoder options.
    BasicHttpClientCodec(int maxInitialLineLength, int maxHeaderSize, int maxChunkSize, boolean failOnMissingResponse, boolean validateHeaders, int initialBufferSize)
    Creates a new instance with the specified decoder options.
    BasicHttpClientCodec(int maxInitialLineLength, int maxHeaderSize, int maxChunkSize, boolean failOnMissingResponse, boolean validateHeaders, int initialBufferSize, boolean parseHttpAfterConnectRequest)
    Creates a new instance with the specified decoder options.
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    prepareUpgradeFrom( ctx)
    Prepares to upgrade to another protocol from HTTP.
    setSingleDecode(boolean singleDecode)
    upgradeFrom( ctx)
    Upgrades to another protocol from HTTP.

    Methods inherited from class

    bind, channelActive, channelInactive, channelRead, channelReadComplete, channelRegistered, channelUnregistered, channelWritabilityChanged, close, connect, deregister, disconnect, exceptionCaught, flush, handlerAdded, handlerRemoved, inboundHandler, init, outboundHandler, read, removeInboundHandler, removeOutboundHandler, userEventTriggered, write

    Methods inherited from class

    ensureNotSharable, isSharable

    Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

    clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
  • Constructor Details

    • BasicHttpClientCodec

      public BasicHttpClientCodec()
      Creates a new instance with the default decoder options (maxInitialLineLength (4096}, maxHeaderSize (8192), and maxChunkSize (8192)).
    • BasicHttpClientCodec

      public BasicHttpClientCodec(int maxInitialLineLength, int maxHeaderSize, int maxChunkSize)
      Creates a new instance with the specified decoder options.
    • BasicHttpClientCodec

      public BasicHttpClientCodec(int maxInitialLineLength, int maxHeaderSize, int maxChunkSize, boolean failOnMissingResponse)
      Creates a new instance with the specified decoder options.
    • BasicHttpClientCodec

      public BasicHttpClientCodec(int maxInitialLineLength, int maxHeaderSize, int maxChunkSize, boolean failOnMissingResponse, boolean validateHeaders)
      Creates a new instance with the specified decoder options.
    • BasicHttpClientCodec

      public BasicHttpClientCodec(int maxInitialLineLength, int maxHeaderSize, int maxChunkSize, boolean failOnMissingResponse, boolean validateHeaders, boolean parseHttpAfterConnectRequest)
      Creates a new instance with the specified decoder options.
    • BasicHttpClientCodec

      public BasicHttpClientCodec(int maxInitialLineLength, int maxHeaderSize, int maxChunkSize, boolean failOnMissingResponse, boolean validateHeaders, int initialBufferSize)
      Creates a new instance with the specified decoder options.
    • BasicHttpClientCodec

      public BasicHttpClientCodec(int maxInitialLineLength, int maxHeaderSize, int maxChunkSize, boolean failOnMissingResponse, boolean validateHeaders, int initialBufferSize, boolean parseHttpAfterConnectRequest)
      Creates a new instance with the specified decoder options.
  • Method Details

    • prepareUpgradeFrom

      public void prepareUpgradeFrom( ctx)
      Prepares to upgrade to another protocol from HTTP. Disables the HttpRequestEncoder.
      Specified by:
      prepareUpgradeFrom in interface io.netty.handler.codec.http.HttpClientUpgradeHandler.SourceCodec
    • upgradeFrom

      public void upgradeFrom( ctx)
      Upgrades to another protocol from HTTP. Removes the BasicHttpResponseDecoder and HttpRequestEncoder from the pipeline.
      Specified by:
      upgradeFrom in interface io.netty.handler.codec.http.HttpClientUpgradeHandler.SourceCodec
    • setSingleDecode

      public void setSingleDecode(boolean singleDecode)
    • isSingleDecode

      public boolean isSingleDecode()