Class VeniceView

Direct Known Subclasses:
ChangeCaptureView, MaterializedView, VeniceViewWriter

public abstract class VeniceView extends Object
This is the abstract implementation of the 'management' component for a venice view. This class is meant to be lightweight and is leveraged by the controller in order to understand what resources need to be maintained for the view. The first (and so far) only resource we have in the interface is for KafkaTopics. Creators of views should implement both this class and it's component class VeniceViewWriter and make sure it's full package name is returned by getWriterClassName() Ideally, all details about management and functionality for any given view is strictly contained within these two classes, and as little implementation details are leaked through the rest of the code base. TODO: Despite best intentions, there is still a little bit of work to do in this interface. We've had to leak some implementation details in the first cut about specific views here in order to define the naming convention for resources which must be cleaned up. Additionally, there should be support in this interface for lifecycle management of arbitrary resources (not just kafka topics).
  • Field Details

  • Constructor Details

  • Method Details

    • getWriterOptionsBuilder

      public VeniceWriterOptions.Builder getWriterOptionsBuilder(String viewTopicName, Version version)
    • getTopicNamesAndConfigsForVersion

      public Map<String,VeniceProperties> getTopicNamesAndConfigsForVersion(int version)
      Implementations should override to return a map of topicName:topic Configs relevant for topic materialization (things like partition count, RF, etc.) TODO: Come up with list of config names that should be parsed by VeniceAdmin to pass along to TopicManager.
      a map keyed by the name of the topic to be created and the configs which should be applied for that creation
    • composeTopicName

      public String composeTopicName(int version)
    • getWriterClassName

      public String getWriterClassName()
      Implementations should return the fully specified class name for the component VeniceViewWriter implementation.
      returns the className of the writer which should be instantiated.
    • validateConfigs

      public void validateConfigs(Store store)
      Validate that the configs set up for this view for this store are valid. If not, throw an exception. Implementors should override this function to add their own validation logic.
    • close

      public void close()
    • isViewTopic

      public static boolean isViewTopic(String topicName)
    • parseStoreFromViewTopic

      public static String parseStoreFromViewTopic(String topicName)
    • parseVersionFromViewTopic

      public static int parseVersionFromViewTopic(String topicName)
    • parseStoreAndViewFromViewTopic

      public static String parseStoreAndViewFromViewTopic(String topicName)
      topicName - for the view topic, e.g. batchStore_148ff3a146001_v1_MaterializedViewTest_mv
      the corresponding store name and view name for the given view topic in a single string.
    • getViewStoreName

      public static String getViewStoreName(String storeName, String viewName)
    • getStoreNameFromViewStoreName

      public static String getStoreNameFromViewStoreName(String viewStoreName)
    • getViewNameFromViewStoreName

      public static String getViewNameFromViewStoreName(String viewStoreName)
    • isViewStore

      public static boolean isViewStore(String storeName)
    • getStoreName

      public static String getStoreName(String storeName)
      storeName -
      storeName if the provided store name is a regular Venice store name or extract the regular Venice store name if the provided storeName is a view store name.