Package com.linkedin.venice.stats
package com.linkedin.venice.stats
ClassDescriptionAbstractVeniceAggStats<T extends AbstractVeniceStats>AbstractVeniceAggStoreStats<T extends AbstractVeniceStats>This class is an aggregate place that keeps stats objects for multiple stores.Right now, Venice SN only reports aggregated metrics for RocksDB.
is the aggregate statistics forServerHttpRequestStats
corresponding to the type of requests defined inRequestType
is the aggregate statistics forServerQuotaUsageStats
which measures requests and quota rejections of each store.BackupVersionOptimizationServiceStats
record the statistics for the database optimization done by theBackupVersionOptimizationService
including both successes and failures.DiskHealthStats
measures the disk health conditions based on the periodic tests ran by theDiskHealthCheckService
records the occurrences of store resources get removed byLeakedResourceCleaner
.This metric class is to optimize for high write throughput, low read throughput measurement use case instead of real-time measurement.CheckTickerType
to find more details about RocksDB metrics.ServerHttpRequestStats
contains a list of counters in order to mainly measure the performance of handling requests from Routers.For measuring quota requests and rejections for a given store.This enum tracks the error codes that we use to report anomalies in metrics.StatsSupplier<T extends AbstractVeniceStats>Utils for venice metricsGenerate a ratio stat that is based on two arbitraryRate
.Generate a ratio stat that is based on two arbitraryMeasurableStat
.Stats used to collect the usage of a thread pool including: 1.Simple class that spins JVM platform stats into Venice stats.Configuration for metrics emitted by Venice: Holds OpenTelemetry as well as Tehuti configs
Configs starting with "otel.venice." are venice specific configs for OpenTelemetry metrics
other configs starting with "otel.exporter." are generic OpenTelemetry exporter configs but are parsed in this class and used setters to configure otel exporter.Repository to hold both tehuti and OpenTelemetry metrics.A host level metric to track number of active venice writers.The stats keep track of ZK Client status changes.