AbstractPushMonitor |
AggPushHealthStats |
AggPushStatusCleanUpStats |
ExecutionStatusWithDetails |
HelixCVBasedPushMonitor |
An implementation of AbstractPushMonitor that listens to Helix
Customized View to determine the push status
KillOfflinePushMessage |
LeakedPushStatusCleanUpService |
LeakedPushStatusCleanUpService will wake up regularly (interval is determined by controller config
status ZNodes on Zookeeper that belong to the specified cluster, without scanning through the replica statuses, find
all leaked push status and delete them on Zookeeper.
OfflinePushStatus |
Class stores all the statuses and history of one offline push.
PartitionStatus |
Class stores the status of one partition including all the replicas statuses in this partition.
PartitionStatusBasedPushMonitor |
PushHealthStats |
PushMonitorDelegator |
This class maintains the mapping of Kafka topic to each PushMonitor instance and delegates calls to the
correct instance.
PushMonitorUtils |
This class contains some common util methods for push monitoring purpose.
PushStatusCleanUpStats |
PushStatusCollector |
This class serves as a collector of offline push status for both Venice Server and Da Vinci clients.
PushStatusDecider |
Decide the offline push status by checking all replicas statuses under different offline push strategies.
ReadOnlyPartitionStatus |
ReplicaStatus |
Class stores replica status and history.
RouterBasedHybridStoreQuotaMonitor |
This push monitor is able to query hybrid store quota status from routers
RouterBasedHybridStoreQuotaMonitor.HybridQuotaMonitorTask |
RouterBasedPushMonitor |
This push monitor is able to query push job status from routers; it only works for
stores running in Leader/Follower mode and it will be built for STREAM_REPROCESSING job.
StatusSnapshot |
The snapshot of status change.
WaitAllPushStatusDecider |
Wait all strategy stands for Venice do not allow one replica to be failed.
WaitNMinusOnePushStatusDecider |
Wait N-1 strategy stands for Venice could tolerate one of replica to be failed for each partition.