Interface StoreGraveyard

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public interface StoreGraveyard
The graveyard used to keep all deleted stores. While re-creating a store, Venice could retrieve the important info like largest used version number to avoid resource conflict caused by the same name.

Like the store repository, each cluster should have its own store graveyard instance.

  • Method Details

    • getLargestUsedVersionNumber

      int getLargestUsedVersionNumber(String storeName)
      Retrieve the largest used version number by the given store name from graveyard. Return 0 if the store does not exist in the graveyard, which is the default value we used for the new store.
    • getLargestUsedRTVersionNumber

      int getLargestUsedRTVersionNumber(String storeName)
      Retrieve the largest used version number for the real time topic by the given store name from graveyard. Return 0 if the store does not exist in the graveyard, which is the default value we used for the new store.
    • putStoreIntoGraveyard

      void putStoreIntoGraveyard(String clusterName, Store store)
      Put the given store into graveyard. If the store has already existed in the graveyard, update it by this given store.
    • getStoreFromGraveyard

      Store getStoreFromGraveyard(String clusterName, String storeName, stat)
      Get store from the graveyard in the specified cluster.
    • removeStoreFromGraveyard

      void removeStoreFromGraveyard(String clusterName, String storeName)
      Remove the given store from graveyard in the specified cluster.
    • listStoreNamesFromGraveyard

      List<String> listStoreNamesFromGraveyard(String clusterName)
      List store names from graveyard in the specified cluster.