Class AdHash

  • public class AdHash
    extends CheckSum
    This class AdHash is used to keep track of the checksum of the data incrementally. It adopts the idea of AdHash that: " A message x' which I want to hash may be a simple modification of a message x which I previously hashed. If I have already computed the hash f(x) of x then, rather than re-computing f(x') from scratch, I would like to just quickly 'update' the old hash value f(x) to the new value f(x'). An incremental hash function is one that permits this. " See the paper for details: A New Paradigm for Collision-free Hashing: Incrementality at Reduced Cost. ( Its adoption in ZooKeeper: Verify, And Then Trust: Data Inconsistency Detection in ZooKeeper. (
    • Constructor Detail

      • AdHash

        public AdHash()
      • AdHash

        public AdHash​(byte[] encodedState)
    • Method Detail

      • updateChecksum

        public void updateChecksum​(byte[] input,
                                   int startIndex,
                                   int length)
        Update the checksum with the input data. Notice that the internal CRC32 object is reset everytime before updating the checksum. This is to ensure that the checksum is always calculated from the beginning of the data and checkpoint-able. This is not thread-safe, but the caller should ensure that the object is not shared.
        Specified by:
        updateChecksum in class CheckSum