Class GrpcRequestResponseConverter


public class GrpcRequestResponseConverter extends Object
  • Constructor Details

    • GrpcRequestResponseConverter

      public GrpcRequestResponseConverter()
  • Method Details

    • getClusterStoreGrpcInfo

      public static ClusterStoreGrpcInfo getClusterStoreGrpcInfo(ControllerResponse response)
    • sendErrorResponse

      public static void sendErrorResponse(io.grpc.Status.Code code, ControllerGrpcErrorType errorType, String errorMessage, String clusterName, String storeName, io.grpc.stub.StreamObserver<?> responseObserver)
      Sends an error response to the client using the provided error details.

      This method constructs a detailed gRPC error response, including the error type, status code, message, and optional cluster or store-specific information. The constructed error is sent to the client via the provided StreamObserver.

      code - The gRPC status code representing the error (e.g., Status.Code).
      errorType - The specific controller error type represented by ControllerGrpcErrorType.
      errorMessage - The error message to be included in the response.
      clusterName - The name of the cluster associated with the error (can be null).
      storeName - The name of the store associated with the error (can be null).
      responseObserver - The StreamObserver to send the error response back to the client.

      Example usage:

           new RuntimeException("Something went wrong"),

      The error response includes the following:

      • gRPC status code (e.g., INTERNAL, FAILED_PRECONDITION).
      • Error type (e.g., BAD_REQUEST, CONCURRENT_BATCH_PUSH).
      • Error message extracted from the provided exception.
      • Optional cluster name and store name if provided.
    • sendErrorResponse

      public static void sendErrorResponse(io.grpc.Status.Code code, ControllerGrpcErrorType errorType, Exception exception, String clusterName, String storeName, io.grpc.stub.StreamObserver<?> responseObserver)
    • parseControllerGrpcError

      public static VeniceControllerGrpcErrorInfo parseControllerGrpcError(io.grpc.StatusRuntimeException e)
      Parses a StatusRuntimeException to extract a VeniceControllerGrpcErrorInfo object.

      This method processes the gRPC error details embedded within a StatusRuntimeException. If the error details contain a VeniceControllerGrpcErrorInfo, it unpacks and returns it. If no valid details are found or the unpacking fails, a VeniceClientException is thrown.

      e - The StatusRuntimeException containing the gRPC error details.
      A VeniceControllerGrpcErrorInfo object extracted from the error details.
      VeniceClientException - If the error details cannot be unpacked or no valid information is found.

      Example usage:

       try {
           // Call a gRPC method that might throw StatusRuntimeException
       } catch (StatusRuntimeException e) {
           VeniceControllerGrpcErrorInfo errorInfo = parseControllerGrpcError(e);
           System.out.println("Error Type: " + errorInfo.getErrorType());
           System.out.println("Error Message: " + errorInfo.getErrorMessage());
    • toExecutionStatusMap

      public static ConcurrentHashMap<String,AdminCommandExecutionStatus> toExecutionStatusMap(Map<String,String> grpcMap)
      Converts a gRPC map with string statuses to a ConcurrentHashMap with AdminCommandExecutionStatus.
      grpcMap - Map with keys as fabric names and values as string statuses.
      A ConcurrentHashMap with keys as fabric names and values as AdminCommandExecutionStatus.
    • toGrpcExecutionStatusMap

      public static Map<String,String> toGrpcExecutionStatusMap(Map<String,AdminCommandExecutionStatus> executionStatusMap)
      Converts a ConcurrentHashMap with AdminCommandExecutionStatus to a map with string statuses.
      executionStatusMap - ConcurrentHashMap with keys as fabric names and values as AdminCommandExecutionStatus.
      A Map with keys as fabric names and values as string statuses.