Class DeferredVersionSwapService

All Implemented Interfaces:
Closeable, AutoCloseable

public class DeferredVersionSwapService extends AbstractVeniceService
This service is in charge of swapping to a new version after a specified wait time in the remaining regions of a target region push if enabled. The wait time is specified through a store/version level config (target_swap_region_wait_time) and the default wait time is 60m. This service also updates the parent version status of a store w/ a terminal push status after performing the swap or deeming it ineligible for a version swap and the statuses mean: 1. ONLINE - all regions are serving the target version 2. PARTIALLY_ONLINE - 1+ regions are serving the target version, but 1+ regions' pushes failed & are serving the old version 3. ERROR - all regions are serving the old version. the push failed in target regions