Class DaVinciBlobFinder

All Implemented Interfaces:
BlobFinder, AutoCloseable

public class DaVinciBlobFinder extends Object implements BlobFinder
DvcBlobFinder discovers live DaVinci peer nodes to facilitate blob transfers necessary for bootstrapping the database
  • Constructor Details

    • DaVinciBlobFinder

      public DaVinciBlobFinder(ClientConfig clientConfig)
  • Method Details

    • discoverBlobPeers

      public BlobPeersDiscoveryResponse discoverBlobPeers(String storeName, int version, int partition)
      Description copied from interface: BlobFinder
      This method will look through the partitions for the store and version provided until it finds the partition requested, it will then return the URL of the instances that are ready to serve in the partition.
      Specified by:
      discoverBlobPeers in interface BlobFinder
    • close

      public void close() throws IOException
      Specified by:
      close in interface AutoCloseable